
Cornerstone Join Forces with Dragon's Dents to Deliver Push to Paint Training

Cornerstone Technologies – Push to Paint Training

Another successful Push to Paint course delivered this week in partnership with Dragon’s Dents. The forward thinking repairer commissioned Cornerstone to carry out this modern repair course to increase their speed and scope of repair. Delivered in real time we were able to show the 3 technicians the benefits of advanced glue pulling and push bar techniques and even saved parts on the day that were consigned to be replaced. 

What did the technicians think.........

"The combination of using my existing repair techniques and Push to Paint methods, helped me look at metal in a completely different light, great course and highly recommended!!!!"

"I’ve been looking at metal the wrong way for over 20 years. The damage assessment and speed of dent reduction is incredible. I’m looking forward to getting back in the workshop!"

Benefits of Push to Paint Training

·        Rapidly reduce areas of damage with advanced glue pulling and bar techniques

·        Reduced material costs

·        Reduced repair times


For more information on this course and all our courses click the link below or call us on 01295 232795